6 Reasons to Send Holiday Cards This Season

Plus, etiquette tips before dropping your cards off in the mail.

This post is sponsored by Papyrus and Albertsons. As always, all opinions are my own.

Wendy Sy holding a blue and white snowflake Papyrus card with a background filled with holiday decoration.
Photos by Sehee Kim

In the blink of an eye, the holiday season is almost here again. If you clicked on this post, you’re probably wondering what are the reasons to send holiday cards? And I get it — the process itself can be time-consuming and there are etiquette factors that come into play.

Here’s the short answer: tangible, handwritten notes are much more personal. 

Throughout my life, I’ve kept cards that I received from family and friends for just about every occasion. There’s a box in my room filled with holiday cards, birthday cards, graduations cards, congratulations cards, and even “just because” cards. The designs and notes inside are, in a way, like mini time portals that transport me back to a memory with the person who sent it. 

Just like last year, I stocked up on cards by Papyrus from Albertsons. Each one of the brand’s designs is made with craftsmanship and artistry — I feel like the card is also a gift in itself! Read on for more reasons to send holiday cards and tips to do so.

6 Reasons to Send Holiday Cards

1. Spread Joy and Holiday Spirit

What’s the purpose of someone sending a holiday card? Like many other traditions around this time of year: it’s to spread joy. 

There’s nothing like old-fashioned snail mail that can brighten up someone’s day. 

This year, I picked up a few Papyrus cards with embellished Christmas tree and snowflake designs. The cards all come with a gold hummingbird sticker that symbolizes love, joy, and celebration.

Wendy Sy sitting at Rolf's restaurant in New York City with holiday decorations in the background.
In our digital age, handwritten cards feel all the more special.

2. Strengthen Bonds

Holiday cards let you connect (or reconnect) with family and friends. Although e-cards are efficient and great in their own way, tangible cards feel all the more special in that you took the time to write a thoughtful note, add a stamp, and drop it off at the mailbox.

In our digital age, sending holiday cards is like a forgotten art. It lets someone know that you were thinking of them and can strengthen a bond — especially if you haven’t seen that person in a while. Sometimes, it’s the small acts of kindness that mean the most.

3. Cards Serve as Keepsakes

A card can give someone that warm and fuzzy feeling, especially if the design is on point. A lot of people use the cards they receive as part of their holiday decor.

The Papyrus Mother’s Day card I gave my mom earlier this year is now still in her living room, next to all the framed photos of my family (there are a lot!). 

Holiday cards serve as keepsakes and some even use them as bookmarks throughout the year.

Reasons to send holiday cards. A hand holding three Papyrus cards with a background of gold sparkling lights.
Pick a card, any card.

4. Express Gratitude

After making it a habit to write in a gratitude journal, I’ve realized the importance of feeling thankful. I like to think of gratitude as a natural remedy for negativity — you just can’t be grateful and upset at the same time. In the end, gratitude always wins. And saying “thank you” in a card not only boosts your happiness but someone else’s, too. 

Whether you’re planning to say thanks for being there for someone who supported you or just to let them know they’re important in your life, you can do so in a holiday card.

5. Update Your Family Photo

Holiday cards give you a reason to update your family photo. It’s the season for strengthening bonds and celebration, after all, so take a snapshot to include in a Papyrus card to add to its value.

Wendy Sy holding a holding Papyrus holiday card with festive decorations in the background.
‘Tis the season for spreading joy.

6. Network

If you have a business, there are many reasons to send holiday cards to clients. It acts as a chance to connect on a personal level and not just talk about business. Sending a card marks a reminder to celebrate your working relationship, and can be fun yet professional.

Tips for Sending Holiday Cards

1. Make a list (and check it twice)

Before sending your card out, be sure to check with your recipient for their current address in case they moved. This also gives them a heads up that the card is on its way. 

And even though sending cards is done through, well, the mail, reaching out via a call, text, or email to your recipient for their address can start a convo and chance to connect.

A hand writing Dear in a holiday card next to two other cards and gold stickers.

2. Choose a Fitting Design

Is your recipient’s style bold and colorful or do they love neutral colors? Make it personal by choosing a design that fits with your recipient’s personality. 

3. Write Drafts

There are no rules to word count when it comes to your note inside. Remember: it’s the thought that counts! I usually write my message on a piece of scrap paper before writing in the card to make sure I don’t mess up the final draft.

Doing this can also let you see how much space is needed for the text depending on the size of your card.

4. Use a Good Pen

When writing your card, using a good pen is key. Make sure the one you choose has quality ink that doesn’t bleed. Some ballpoint pens need a bit of time to dry, so take a look after writing to see if it’s set before closing the card.

5. Add a Festive Stamp

Stamps are another chance for personalization. The post office usually has festive designs this time of year so it doubles as a decorative sticker. Just be sure the monetary value covers the price of your card weight. Forever stamps are issued by the USPS and are valid “forever” to mail a one-ounce envelope, even if the rate inflates in the future.

Wendy Sy holding a blue and white snowflake holiday card with a background of gold sparkling lights and festive decor.
Happy holidays!

6. Send early 

The holiday season is usually a busy time of year, so writing your cards early can give you time to think about a thoughtful message to include. Plus, it allows time in case there’s a delay at the post office. 

When are holiday cards sent? Usually sometime between Thanksgiving until the New Year. Depending on the holiday, dates vary, but it’s nice to send it before the actual date you’re celebrating. Overall, the ideal time to send the card is a couple of weeks before the holiday.

Look for Papyrus cards at Albertsons — and happy holidays!

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Wendy Sy

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